Sunday, February 21, 2010

{olen vanhanaikainen kai sitten}

the book was great too! i'm glad i saw the movie first and then read the book. i don't know what i'd thought of the movie if i had read the book first. they are different from each other, that's for sure. loved them both.
it drives me nuts that i can't recommend another book which i've read lately. it was great. except that it had so much taking God's name in vain that i just can't recommend it. people forget that "thou shalt not take God's name in vain" is one of the ten commandments. up there with "thou shalt not kill" or "thou shalt not steal". an important commandment. one of the main ones. "if you don't keep the rest of them, you should try to keep at least these ones" kind of thing. i know it's just the way people talk nowadays. they don't even realize what they're doing. even some religious people don't think twice of this habit. but it is one of the ten commandments and it makes me flinch when people say "God" so flippantly. we just don't revere things like people used to, it seems. i know people don't even think what they say but that's exactly my point i guess. maybe we should stop and think every once in awhile.
by the way, people of course can choose how they talk. i'm just saying that for me it's sad that so many things are spoiled by either bad language or this. it's just too bad. that's why i do get so excited when i find a movie or a book that i can recommend.
ps. i know that for most people this isn't even a slightest issue. most of you are probably saying "what? what's the big problem here?"
just raising some awareness here. or complaining out loud i guess. :D
ps. i was supposed to just recommend the above book. the rest just blurted out somehow. :)
ja englanniksi vääntyy tämä puhe väkisinkin taas vaikka suunnittelin että kaikki olisi suomeksi myös. on vaan joskus tosi vaikea selitellä asioita suomeksi. kamalaa! oma äidinkieli niin kangistunut vuosien myötä. niin ja aina ei jaksa kaikkea kirjoittaa kahteen kertaankaan. kaksikielisyys on joskus niin monimutkainen juttu. koettakaa kestää tätä mun menoa.


  1. Voi sua. Kun osaisitkin suhtautua eri tavalla, sun elämä olisi varmasti helpompaa :D ♥ Ettei nyt ihan kaikesta tarttis harmistua. Kyllä muakin kiroilu ärsyttää esim bussissa, kun teinit kovaan ääneen hokevat V-sanaa ja Nida kuuntelee vieressä jne. Mut en mä sen takia yöunia menetä, tai leffoja yms jättäis väliin.. :P No, kaikilla oma maku ja mielipide. Ehkä sä sit oot vähän vanhanaikainen :D (paitsi kiroilua on myös vanhoina aikoina ollut, eihän se mikään tämän päivän juttu ole...)

  2. en mina younia meneta eika tama ole koko ajan mielessa tms. kunhan nyt vaan totesin talleen tasta asiasta. joskus saa vaaran kasityksen kun lukee vaan eika kuule "puhujan" aanta jne. yritin siina lopussa nayttaa etta olin kevealla tuulella vaikka aiheesta kirjoitinkin.

  3. Kirjaa en ole lukenut mutta muuten voin allekirjoittaa mita sanoit Jumalan nimen kayttamisesta turhaan. Nimim. toinen vanhanaikainen :)


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