Sunday, December 21, 2008


Typography is fun! - Marian Bantjes
So... We had invited our friends K&J over for supper yesterday. I wanted to make enchilada casserole but Jay insisted I make nachos instead. I thought it was kind of a weird choice for a supper but whatever. Nachos it is. K&J show up, we're almost ready to sit down for supper. When... The doorbell rings! At the door are J&G, another friend couple. They handed me a dish and I figured they were out and about dropping off Christmas treats. I had thought earlier that we should have invited them over too so I asked them right away if they'd like to come and join us for some nachos. They agreed. They had funny looks on their faces but I thought they were just amused that they ended up to our place for nachos. No problem, I grab some more plates and cups and start setting the table for six instead. When... The doorbell rings again! Now I was like "what?! who could be at the door again on a Saturday night?". I go and answer the door and Jay's parents walk in like no big deal, we're just dropping by. Now my brain starts to click a bit and when they hand me a gift I realize that Jay has planned a surprise birthday party for me!! He sure got me! I didn't have a clue until his parents showed up. Next thing I know there were 10 guests and tons of food at the table. Was it ever nice to be surprised like that. Usually you might have some idea what's going on but I honestly didn't have a clue. It helped that it wasn't my birthday quite yet. Fun, fun, fun. Lots of good food and we played a game where you try to say something about yourself that you think no one else has done. If you manage to do that, you get a macaroni. We decided if one or two other people have done the same thing then you still get a macaroni, plus them too. Winner was the one who got 10 macaronis first. It was fun to find out about all kinds of weird stuff people have done. I learned new things about everyone.
So, I guess I can officially say goodbye to 40 now. 40 was a good year for me in many ways. I feel much more settled into myself now than when I was 20, for example. I wouldn't trade 40 to 20 even if I could be all skinny & fresh again. I prefer the wisdom & experience. It's all good.


  1. Huomasin tuolta vauvat.netistä, että sulla on synttärit, eksyin siis blogiisi onnittelemaan. :)
    Hyvää syntymäpäivää!
    Saanko muuten kysyä, puhutko sä Siennan kanssa Suomea?

  2. Siita on ikuisuus kun olen ollut vauvanetissa. Kiitos onnitteluista. Olin asunut ulkomailla yhteensa melkeen 16 vuotta kun saimme Siennan (ilman suomalaisia ystavia ja mahiksia puhua suomea). Oli tosi vaikea alkaa puhumaan suomea yhtakkia kun Sienna tuli. Yritin. Kuulosti niin kamalalta ja oli niin alyn kankeaa etta lopetin. Harmi mutta niin kavi. En siis ole puhunut Siennalle suomea. Sienna osaa laskea kymmeneen, tietaa kehon osia ja elainten nimia suomeksi. Siinapa se. Olisi pitanyt panostaa aiemmin etta mulla olisi ollut suomalainen ystava taalla jonka kanssa pitaa omaa suomen kielta ylla. Puhumista siis. Kirjoittaminen on paljon helpompaa. En ihmeemmin edes lue mitaan suomeksi. Mita nykyaan muiden blogeja ja muutama lehti tai kirja vuodessa joita saan lahjaksi. Eli harmin harmi ettei Sienna jo puhu suomea. Mutta olen muilta ulkosuomalaisilta lukenut myos miten kaksikielisyydessakin on omat ongelmansa. Talleen kavi meille. Kylla olisi ihana jos Sienna viela oppisi edes suomen alkeet. En tieda tuleeko niin tapahtumaan. Talla hetkella hanella ei ole intoa oppia sita sen enempaa. Kun siskoni kavi taalla perheeneen niin silloin Siennasta sanojen oppiminen oli hauskaa. Nyt ei enaa. Tarvis etsia se suomalainen ystava jolla olisi pikkunen myos joka osaisi suomea...


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