Wednesday, May 7, 2008

two cents

moroso bouquet chairs by tokujin yoshioka
stem vase by yee-ling wan & steve jones
"until dawn" by tord boontje
Me lovey.
So, American Idol... David Archuleta was the best in my opinion. I always like David Cook but his this week's songs just weren't that great. It really is a lot about song selection. I'm quite sure those two will be the top two. Poor Jason Castro. He sure got rough critique. I know that he's not the best vocally but I often like the mellow songs he picks. Especially this week's Bob Marley's song. Reminded me how much I love Bob Marley's music. Jason would be a fun "beach singer dude" :). I remember in Italy there were always guys singing romantic Italian songs on the beach with their guitars. Jason would do great in that setting. :) I hope he won't give up on singing. He just needs voice lessons and more confidence and I'm sure he'll have a career. Sayesha belongs to Broadway and she'll be great doing musicals. So there. My two cents on that again. :)
Other than that... Just a mellow day at home today. I really need to get some cleaning done.


  1. i think that it would probably be best if david a wins. he is young and inexperienced and needs alot of "grooming" before he can be the next josh groban. david c on the other hand would probably be fine without the title. it seems kind of funny for a rocker to be called an american idol anyways considering it is a "pop" competition.

  2. Sansku ihan samaa mieltä Idolsista.
    Ja Jason on hurmaava tyyppi, tuskin ura tähän jää...

    Sä oot mun Idols komppis, kukaan mun tuttu ei sitä kato :)

  3. Mä en oo seurannut Idolseja.. mutta nuo tuolit on hauskoja..


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