Thursday, April 17, 2008

special day today

From CB2 catalog.
I just want to quickly share couple of things from a book I've been reading lately.
"So many things about our lives we cannot choose, but we can decide where our minds travel."
(Maurine Jensen Proctor)
"Sometimes you come around an aisle in the grocery store and see somebody just standing there, looking back, waiting. It usually turns out that this person isn't doing this for fun. No, when you take a closer look you see they are waiting for a dawdling little child. Now, one kind of parent will be waiting there patiently, maybe even with a bit of a smile on her face. She might explain things this way: "I might as well be patient. I might as well relax while I wait, because this child of mine doesn't move fast, at least not when I want him to. Everything is fascinating and novel to him. He is absorbing it all, or trying to. This is his job as a child, and his job takes time. He's just doing his job. I brought him into this big interesting place. I knew very well what would happen. So I'm not surprised or offended if I have to wait in the aisles." And the mother might even add this: "Besides, my child is still on some sort of schedule he brought from heaven. I guess up there they don't care much about clocks or even calendars."
Or, on the other hand, we might find another kind of parent waiting in the aisle, the kind that stands there fuming, rolling his or her eyes, getting kind of crazy with impatience, saying those familiar words, "Can't you just hurry up?"
(Wayne Brickey)
Please don't give yourself a guilt trip if you are sometimes the mother #2. I think we mothers tend to feel guilty about everything. I just loved that quote because it made me think how in each situation we can decide how we react. We can always choose "where our minds will travel". I'm sure we could all improve in patience. I know I sure could! Sometimes it's easier than on other days. But if we are conscious about our thoughts and how we can direct them in various directions, then we can do better than if we don't even give it a thought.
Took Robin to the dentist yesterday. He has to go to the University Hospital dental clinic because if he needs any work done, they need to give him laughing gas. Long time ago, Robin restled his dentist to the ground (knocking a big plant down and everything) when he tried to give him a needle. :-D No cavities this time. His teeth are pretty nasty as he still has his first teeth (maitohampaat). They've had to remove many of them.
I had made a lunch for Sienna as we had to leave right after her nap. Guess who forgot it at home? Figures. :)
Later... I guess some of Robin's teeth are permanent ones and many of them were still baby teeth and had to be pulled out as they had gone so yucky. Basically he hasn't got all his permanent teeth and probably won't get some of them.


  1. Maitohampaat? O_o

    Mä odottelen sua Skypeen.

  2. Jep, downin syndrooma ihmisille monesti ei tule pysyvia hampaita.


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