Monday, February 4, 2008

not the best of days

We got to know this cutie really well last month. He was "Mister January" in our Natural Geographic "Really Weird Animals" calendar.
"The warty, bright orange hairy frogfish is a master of disguise. It lives mainly in warm waters among orange sponges at the bottom of the sea and walks very slowly on its fins. Bigger fish, looking for a meal, think the frogfish is a sponge and pass it by. Dangling what looks like a fishing lure above its mouth, the frogfish gobbles up a tasty meal."
Well, we are $808 poorer. :( I just came from the dentist who replaced three of my really old fillings plus I got two new small fillings. I hadn't had cavities for years & years so this came as a real shock that I had new ones. My whole lower face feels numb and it's starting to tingle a bit. They wanted to do the work in two visits but I asked them to do it all today (I hadn't realized that they were going to replace three of the fillings as well, I thought it was only two fillings). Lots of dental work in one day but hey - now it's over with. I sure hate spending money on stuff like this though. Especially when this has been a rough year for us financially since we opened up another store again. Life's annoying "gotta do it" thing.
Jay and Sienna went to the mall for a bit of daddy & daughter time (Sienna will get to play at the playground). I need to go freeze hamburger, chicken breasts and salmon. Bagging the meat is not my favorite chore but it's gotta get done.
Not the most wonderful day today for me, I have to admit.
(Later) ...And the day just kept on giving. The salmon turned out to be trout with the skin still on that my dull knife couldn't get off. I need to pay better attention when I'm grocery shopping. Does anyone know if the skin comes off when you cook it? I ended up freezing it with the skin on. I don't have a clue about trout. I guess I can fry it just as well as salmon. But it was another "this day sucks" moment.
The numbing wore off and my jaw & cheeks were so sore! I could barely open my mouth well enough to eat. Thank goodness for pain killers. I love them painkillers. :) That's what I get for wanting to get the work done quickly. Over an hour of dental work is bound to wreck havoc on your face muscles.
Oh and to top it all off... Sienna is going through one of those "I can't sleep" periods. Every once in awhile sleep gets impossible for her. She wakes up many times a night (please don't tell me about sleep training, we've tried it all, she will NOT go back to sleep unless she sees us, it's a separation anxiety thing). Even naps are a struggle. If I don't cuddle with her after her first sleep cycle, she won't go back to sleep = she only gets a 40 minute nap. She has a hard time even relaxing to go to sleep. Arrrgh! She had been sleeping so good lately and now this again. I give up trying to figure out why she sometimes sleeps so good and other times it's pulling hair kind of a thing. I think it's her over active imagination. Tonight she kept saying "someone come to my room". She seems worried and anxious. I've read that sometimes kids her age have a hard time with sleep because they start to imagine things. I think that must be it. But on the other hand, this has been an ongoing thing for her, not something new. She has improved but then we have periods like this again. Neeeeeeed sleeeeeep! She does too! She (like the rest of us) gets cranky when tired. Cranky pranky house is no fun.
ps for Karly: I had a dream last night in which you were there when I got the dental work done. And we were in Helsinki for some reason. I remember thinking "I can't have Karly work on my teeth. Too weird." :) Hope your day was better than mine.
My dear Jay has been busy finishing up the bathroom tiling. He keeps working and working. Even when he's sooooo tired. He's done a really good job. I'm waiting for him to be finished and hopefully we'll have tiny bit of energy left to cuddle to make the day better. I usually insist on my long bedtime cuddle but even I have been too tired for it lately. Now THAT's tired! :)


  1. Oh no... Eipa kuulosta hyvalta tuo teidan paiva. Toivottavasti helpottaa pian! Ja toivottavasti ehditte saada cuddle-aikaa Jayn kanssa! :-)
    Toivotaan, etta tama paiva on paaaljon parempi!

  2. Olipa kurja päivä! Kamalan kallis hammaslääkärivisiitti, tuo hinta x 5 on mitä meidän tytön oikomishoito maksaa. Ahdistavaa. Ja ymmärrän hyvin nukkumishuolet, hyvä uni on niin tärkeää jaksamiselle. Et halunnut neuvoja eikä mulla niitä olisi ollutkaan, joten toivon että teillä nukuttaisiin jatkossa paremmin!


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